Thursday, March 10, 2011

Locality at it's Best!

I've unlocked the Local Badge! To earn this badge, you need to be at the same place 3x in one week.

I don't want to say I am a cheater, because I NEVER cheat. However, I unlocked this badge by checking into Whole Foods Market. Since I am employed at Whole Foods, I am there very often. Mostly, because I am scheduled to work, however if I wasn't working, I would probably be there anyway. Especially since Whole Foods Market sells the highest quality natural and organic products available, and I like to eat, a lot. It's kind of a win- win scenario.

If you are reading this: YOU SHOULD GO TO WHOLE FOODS! You can see me, have a beer or glass of wine while grocery shopping, or sit by the grill and eat a steak while watching the game (this is my personal favorite).

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